By using this website (, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. These terms affect your legal rights, responsibilities and liabilities, so please read these terms carefully and ensure that you understand them. If you do not agree to any of the terms given below, please cease your use of this website immediately.
Lamoge Clinics commit to the protection of all personal information given to us by clients and customers. This is done in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998. We will only use your information within the permissions you give us and the boundaries set out in our policy. We will never use your information for any other purposes, or share it with any third parties.
We endeavour to ensure that all data is:
We only collect data that is relevant to the service that Lamoge Clinics provide. This may include some or all of the following details: your name, address, email address, telephone number, and some medical information. We will also require payment details if you are booking a treatment online. All of this data is collected through the Lamoge website, and is disclosed only at your discretion.
Any personal information that you provide will only be kept for as long as necessary. The data will then be archived or destroyed, unless we need to retain it for legal, accounting, regulatory, or auditory requirements or to protect the company’s interests.
We will never sell, trade, or loan your personal information to another party. If we are ever required to do so, we will always obtain your permission in writing before proceeding.
When you provide information to Lamoge, you certify that all such information is accurate and may be used as we see fit to improve the service we provide (in accordance with our Privacy Policy). You certify that you have read, understood, and consented in full to our Privacy Policy and Terms.
You have the right to request a copy of any personal information we hold about you.
By using the Lamoge Clinics website, you agree to the following terms and conditions of use:
These terms apply regardless of device used to access the Lamoge website. Lamoge Clinics reserve the right to alter these terms at any time, without warning, as we see fit.
The Lamoge website uses cookies. See the site’s cookies policy for further details.
If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, you can email us at We endeavour to respond to all enquiries as quickly as possible.